To Create .pem file for apple push notification using rpush .
1.Create a CSR Using Key Chain Access 2.Create a P12 Using Key Chain Access using private key. 3.APNS App ID and certificate.
- This gives you three files:
- The CSR
- The private key as a p12 file (pushkey_production.p12)
- The SSL certificate, aps_development.cer or the .pem file(pushkey_production.pem)
Convert the .cer file into a .pem file:
openssl x509 -in aps_development.cer -inform der -out pushkey_production.pem
Convert the private key’s .p12 file into a .pem file:
openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -out private_keyy.p12 -in pushkey_private_production.p12
Enter Import Password:
MAC verified OK
Enter PEM pass phrase:
Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase:
You first need to enter the passphrase for the .p12 file so that openssl can read it. Then you need to enter a new passphrase that will be used to encrypt the PEM file. Again for this tutorial I used “pushchat” as the PEM passphrase. You should choose something more secure. Note: if you don’t enter a PEM passphrase, openssl will not give an error message but the generated .pem file will not have the private key in it.
Finally, combine the certificate and key into a single .pem file:
cat pushkey_production.pem pushkey_private_production.pem >rpush_prod.pem